the library

The Main St. Music Library is a music composition firm that produces music & analysis in a multitude of mediums, founded in 2023 by musical engineer Aaron Comeau.

The library produces work that synthesizes the disciplines of music composition, audio engineering, and media production into a unified field, employing an integral & structural approach that deconstructs & reengineers music through extensive play & documentation. A refined practice of improvisation, analysis, composition, and design produces content for its members and the general public.

Services are also available on a contract basis. Our interdisciplinary collaborators include the Under The Spire Music Festival, Club Red Productions, and Skydiggers.

Stay tuned as the library prepares to release its first official volumes of music in early 2024.

In this electric age, we see ourselves being translated more and more into the form of information, moving toward the technological extension of consciousness.

Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media (1964)